Martha Is Dead takes place in 1944 Italy, A dark time in history serves as the backdrop for a story centered around twin daughters, Giulia and Martha, of an Axis general. The game has a narrative style that keeps the player on their toes and constantly questioning the scenarios playing out before their eyes. Martha is Dead has all the making of being a divisive game that garners a cult following, unfortunately a myriad of technical issues get in the way of the game truly reaching its peak. Martha Is Dead is a first person psychological horror adventure game developed by LKA, a small 10 man team that previously worked on The Town of Light . It’s what some people would label as a “walking simulator,” as most of the gameplay consists of exploring the environment and interacting with objects. LKA does a great job of immersing the player in the world of Martha is Dead . One small touch that helps maintain that immersion is that most items in t...
Super Bullet Break is a turn based strategy game with a hint of roguelike elements all wrapped in a Japanese waifu exterior. I feel like that sentence is gonna tell most people whether or not they’ll enjoy this game. So let's talk about what makes this game different and stand out from a sea of games that have a similar description. The story is as cliche and presented in the most lazy way possible. Through static cutscenes and tons of dialogue, the characters even make references to how boring all the dialogue is, which doesn’t make it any less boring. But, you do get a handy skip option that solves this problem for those who want to get into the meat and potatoes of this game. Super Bullet Break is broken up into 7 levels with unique themes inspired by different game genres. These themes have “bullets” that synergize to fight together. Bullets are what the games equivalent of cards are called. See each playthrough you begin with a premade deck consisting of cards, or bullets...
King of Seas is an open world adventure RPG where you play as a disgraced captain of a royal lineage who is exiled from their kingdom and takes on the pirate life. The game shares more in common with the classic Sid Meier Pirates series than the recently popular Sea of Thieves in the pirate genre. But can we expect this title to live on as Sid Meier’s classic has 20 years from now? Probably not, I gave you the general plot in the opening paragraph and that all happens within a matter of minutes. From there the storyline takes a backseat to the gameplay. You have a choice to do mainline missions and progress the story or do side missions and progress your level and ship. Mainline quests will reward you with a cutscene but that’s the only difference between the two types of missions. They are largely uninteresting and share the same framework, using about 4 or 5 mission types to make up the infinite amount of randomly generated quests you can take on. It’s a recipe for repetition, a ...
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