Top Star Wars Games Ever Made

OK, so that title may be a little misleading. This is really the top Star Wars games that I have ever played. I have great taste in games so trust me when I tell you that you need to try these out it you've never played them.

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade

Who hasn't bee lined it right for this beautiful arcade game whenever they saw it as a kid. I know it was the game I'd lose my first few quarters to. It was a massive sit down machine with a huge screen that put you right into the action. One of my favs was the cockpit of an X-Wing during the first Death Star run. The sound was so shooty bang bang lasery. I was in heaven every time I found one that was in good enough condition to play. And, what about that bonus lightsaber duel with Darth Vader!?! I could never beat him, but it was still so exhilarating to move the single joystick and try to block his attacks.

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

When I was in high school I read way too many Star Wars books. One of my favorites was Shadows of the Empire. I liked this book so much that I bought the soundtrack to it. Yea, they make soundtracks to books. I went so far as to read the book while listening to the music. You can be a nerd like me an listen here.

Shadows of the Empire was released around 1996 and I played it on the N64. I don't remember it looking like butt back then, but seeing it in action now makes me happy we've improved as a society. It's probably not worth going back to, but at the time I was all about that mess.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

In 2008 video games were just starting to add physics to their gameplay and The Force Unleashed was at the forefront of that addition. Ragdoll animations were taken to a new level and the dynamically destructible environments were on par with everyday tornados that roll across the great plains. It was a proper action game and triple AAA title that Star Wars fans had been clamoring for. It's too bad that the follow-ups were bland and disappointing, but at least we got force lightning and force push to play with that was very satisfying.

Star Wars Battlefront

This was supposed to be the Star Wars game we were waiting for and at first it looked like it was going to be. The power of the PS4 made the visuals look amazing. The environments looked like they were pulled right off the movie screen. The sound was pitch perfect. It had everything going for it and then it was released. Although it was a shallow release of a game with no real depth, it still has so much polish that playing with bros can lead to some fun times. Hope they made enough off of this release to make another one, but this time with a story mode!

I know you nerds feel like I left out the best Star Wars games like those Bioware ones. Like I said before, I only listed the games I have played. ;)


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