Why Doesn't PS Vita Remote Play Work Like The Wii U?

When remote play was announced I was all like,
but it never really lived up to the hype on the PSP and PlayStation 3.

When it was implemented on the PS Vita and the PlayStation 4 I was like,
but again I was disappointed.

When I got my Wii U and saw the gamepad for the first time I was like,
but Nintendo had done it right. It doesn't have the range of remote play and you cannot use it through the net. But, it just works. It's seemless with responsive controls and no pixelation. When you walk too far away from the Wii U the controller just cuts off the video completely and tells you to go back to whence you came.

Recently Sony introduced remote play with the PC. Steam has had this for a while and it works pretty good as long as your have a decent PC and a nice connection. I've ran through Black Mesa this way and didn't have any problems. Why doesn't remote play on the Vita and the PS4 work this well?

Some people say it's your internet or router that's the issue.
I think I have found the solution. Hey Sony just make it work! It's 2016 and if man can live in a multiverse then you can get remote play to not lag out. Get on it!


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