
Showing posts from April, 2013 Podcast: How Dare You Talk About Video Games

Austin D joined us! It was an amazing show. Canada said something, franchise accused everyone of being racist. Redfield works for her stepdad and BSmith is still old. All that and jizzy emails, amazing! Download Podcast

TPSNBA Update: Season Finale

Welcome to the TPSNBA Finale. We haven't officially crowned a champion, but congrats to RajonRonbro. We were joined by Spongebobbies, our sponsor for this year. We let him try to talk up the Lakers. We also talk about how good Michigan will be the next two years, how the Lions will win it in 2014, and how the Pistons will draft Trey Burke. Thanks for listening and a great season! Download Podcast Podcast: We are Infinite

Thanks for joining Podcast where you can hear BSmith talk about how he wishes that the flying city of Columbia was a real place and how Bioshock Infinite created a world in which he would love to live. Also, listen how ediddy hypes up the Michigan Wolverines and talks way too much about MLB 13 The Show. Redfield then takes us into the depths of Dead Space 3 while darthnation tries to get her to go out with him. All that and so much more. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast

Season 2: TPSNBA Update Championship Preview

Go Blue! Download Podcast