CGN is Back: MAG

It's been a long time since the TPSS community has had a legit CGN. Well it's 2013 and it's time to bring it back. This Friday, 1/4/13 CGN will make it's return. This will be the first of many CGN's where the community gets together to play games that everyone loves. The only thing you need to do is go and get a copy of the game we are going to play.

Week 1 of the CGN is going to be a classic! Run don't walk to your nearest Gamestop and buy a copy of MAG, the best MP shooter Sony has ever released for the PS3. It's so cheap, Gamestop is almost giving it away. At $4.99 it's the most fun you can have for less than five dollars. Do the right thing and get this game and join the entire community for the return of CGN, Community Game Night.

Time: After 8:00 pm EST until whenever
Place: PSN with CGN text chat room
Game: MAG

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