2012 Showies: Most Underrated Game

What is the one game that should have gotten all of the love but just didn't? It either was released at a bad time, the wrong system, or just had bad marketing. Nominate your most underrated game of 2012. Tell us what game you wish everyone would have played.

Leave a comment or use the hashtag #2012ShowiesUnderrated on twitter.

I will start it off with the best Diablo game I have ever played, Torchlight 2. We have gotten to the point where people should start calling Diablo 3 a Torchlight 2 clone. They fixed everything, made the entire game more efficient, more varied, added multiplayer and tons more fun. TL2 is probably the best game I have played all year and it wouldn't surprise me if it was in the running for The Showies GOTY.


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