2012 Showies: Nominate Your PSN Game of the Year

It's time to nominate the best PSN Game of 2012. Just make sure that  it's a PSN only game. This can either be on the PSP, PSVita or PS3 as long as it released of the PSN first. (Games like Journey count as a PSN release even though it came out on disc later. Also this doesn't have to be exclusive either).
You can nominate a game by leaving a comment on this post or by using the hashtag #2012ShowiesPSNGOTY.
I will start the nominations off with the absolute best PSN game that was released in 2012 and that would be Journey. Absolutely gorgeous  the best co-op on the PlayStation and one of the most unique experiences in gaming ever. If you haven't played Journey you are doing gaming wrong.


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